Zeina Sammakieh

Zeina Sammakieh

Assistant Vice President, Hawkamah Institute for Corporate Governance

Zeina Sammakieh is Assistant Vice President at Hawkamah Institute for Corporate Governance.

She has over 15 years of experience in the field of governance having started as an advocate to promote corporate governance in the region as part of the OECD Governance working Group, followed by advising, training, and taking on multiple Corporate Governance roles across different sectors. She advised boards on governance matters and practices as well as planned, formulated, and implemented comprehensive practical governance frameworks.

In her most recent roles, she has worked closely with board of directors and shareholders in multiple capacity including Governance Officer, Board Secretary, and Head of Investor Relations in a listed National Bank in the UAE and a listed multinational organization operating in 65 countries. She previously worked in investment banking and private equity.

Zeina is a Harvard business School Alumna, and has an MBA, finance emphasis from the American University of Beirut. She has completed the IFC training of trainers on Corporate Governance.

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