Milen Marinov

Milen Marinov

Product Manager, Paytiko
For the past 7 years, Milen Marinov has completed a full-spectrum of experience in the payments space - his career ranges from being a part of the Risk management in one of the largest payment providers in the world, to being a crucial factor in one of the largest acquirers in Europe and for the last 3 years giving Paytiko's voice on the global scene. His vast knowledge of the industry makes him precise and efficient in his actions and scope. Since the very start of Paytiko - Milen has envisioned all the key elements to be embedded inside the platform - product features that service the entire range of businesses, up to servicing financial institutions, to defining a flow that is frictionless, to structural components that allow Paytiko to scale at ease. Naturally, all this planning and actions have paved a way to overcome any challenges ahead. As a Product Manager, he believes that progress is THE key. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and an MBA in Business Leadership from one of Bulgaria's most prestigious universities.
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